Thursday 28 May 2020

Writing my first PlayBook on shell and local_action Module

Below is the structure of Playbook of generating HTML report using the shell and local_action Module

-  hosts:  localhost
     -  name:  checking 
        shell:  |
            a=$(hostnamectl | grep Chassis)
            a=$a{a// /}
            b=$(hostnamectl | grep "Icon name")
            b=$b{b// /}           
            echo "<html>
                  table, th, td {
                  border: 1px solid black;
                  <h2>Ansible Generating report</h2>
                  <p>Author - Anirban.</p>
                  <table style="width:20%">
                  <td>Icon name</td>
        register:  output

     -  name:  message
          msg: "{{output.stdout}}"

     -  name: Generating the report
        local_action:  "copy content='{{output.stdout}}' dest=/home/anirban/Desktop/report.html"

Ansible Syntax check
   ansible-playbook systemreport.yml --syntax-check

Ansible Playbook
    ansible-playbook systemreport.yml

The outPut of the Playbook

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